Monday, January 21, 2008

ENG 121 - Course Outcomes and Grading Criteria

At the end of this course, students will be able to

  • plan, write, and revise essays for a variety of audiences and purposes

  • take risks in writing

  • feel more comfortable with writing processes

  • have a better understanding of what revision is and how to do it

  • think critically about their own writing processes, strengths, and weaknesses

  • know the rules and understand when and how to break them effectively

  • understand the consequences of their writing decisions

To become a better writer, you must write. A lot. Accordingly, I have designed a set of assignments that will keep you writing.

1000 points are available. A= 900+ / B= 800-899 / C= 700-799 / D= 600-699 / F= 0-599

Note: I do not “give out” grades—students earn grades. An A is awarded for superior work—nothing less!

Blog, 125 points
You will keep a blog in which you record and reflect on your research and writing processes. Most class meetings will include about ten minutes to blog. In addition, you should post comments to at least three classmates’ blogs each week, responding to their specific concerns, offering supportive criticism, and urging them to challenge and stretch themselves as writers. To receive credit for comments, be sure to sign your full name. You can find classmates’ blogs on the class blog roll at

To receive a passing grade on your blog, it must be complete and entries must have been made in a timely fashion; in addition, comments on class members’ blogs must have been made in a timely fashion. To receive better than a passing grade on your blog, it must do everything required for a passing grade and I should be able to tell that you have used your blog entries to challenge and stretch yourself as a researcher and writer (for example, your blog entries may be exceptionally detailed, specific, thoughtful, and probing).

Response Log, 125 points
You will keep a log of all the responses you receive to your drafts. You will respond to each response. I will give you the response log assignment in class on February 4.

Class Participation, 150 points
Class participation means more than simply showing up, although showing up is a good start. Class participation means attending all classes and appointments, arriving to class/appointments on time and staying the entire time, arriving prepared, having read the assigned material and completed in advance any written assignments, engaging with class activities, and collaborating generously and productively with classmates in discussions and small group activities.

Three Portfolios, each worth 200 points
You will turn in three portfolios of writing. Portfolio I, due February 18, will focus on revising away from unity. Portfolio II, due April 2, will focus on revising toward unity. Portfolio III, due May 7, will focus on editing and packaging. We will talk as a class about how each portfolio will be evaluated. I will give you a detailed assignment sheet for each portfolio well ahead of its due date.

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