Thursday, February 21, 2008

ENG 122 - citing primary and visual sources

**Note that the bibliographic entries should use hanging indentation but the gosh darn blog won't let me do that.**


Bibliographic entry:

Last name of interviewee, First name. Personal interview. Date of interview.

That’s it. Don’t include the title of the interviewee or any other information. If you conduct the interview by phone, use “Telephone interview” in place of “Personal interview.”

In text citation:

If you use the interviewee’s name in an attribution phrase, you need no parenthetical citation. If you don’t use the interviewee’s name in an attribution phrase, put her or his last name in parentheses, like this:

Concern was expressed about confidentiality (Jones).


Bibliographic entry:

Your last name, first name. Observation. Place of observation. Date of observation.

Be specific about the place of the observation. For example, if you observe at Cherry Creek Mall in Denver, write “Cherry Creek Mall, Denver, CO.” If the observation takes place over a range of dates, indicate that like this: “10-24 Feb. 2008.”

In text citation:

Use an attribution phrase to indicate that the information you are presenting is from an observation, like this:

I observed that stores at the mall were busier after 6 p.m.


Bibliographic entry:

Your last name, first name. “Topic of the Survey or Questionnaire.” Survey (or questionnaire), Place of survey or questionnaire. Date of survey or questionnaire.

For example, here’s I would cite a questionnaire I administered to my RRCC students about how much time they spend on their homework:

Kleinfeld, Liz. “Time Spent on Homework.” Questionnaire. Red Rocks Community College, Lakewood, CO. 15 Oct. 2006.

In text citation:

Use an attribution phrase to indicate that the information you are presenting is from a survey or questionnaire, as in the observation example above.

Also, remember that visual sources, including images you find online, must be cited. You will find information about citing visual sources in Writing @ RRCC.


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